In the past 35 years over 1400 Guns from over 210 Location have been recorded for a technical drawing. The drawing is the optimal means of communication for scientific research, as an illustration, to make a replica, a model or as decoration.

The Drawing

Each drawing consists usually of two copies of the size DIN-A3.

One copy with the key dimensions, the second copy without dimensions.

The title of the drawing is the identification in accordance with possible contemporary documentation and the state of research in the drawing year. For this reason, some title of drawings might be incomplete or faulty. The present list of drawings from the year 2020 reflects the most recent research and correct identification.

On the bottom left is the number of the drawing and the year.

On the bottom right the inventory No. of the location as far as known.


Drawing No. 223 without dimensions

Geschützzeichnung ohne Massangaben


Drawing No. 223 with key dimensions

Geschützzeichnung mit Schlüsseldimensionen

The purchased drawings are strictly for private use only and are fully protected by international copy right laws. Any other use of each drawing requires the previous, written permission of the copy right owner.

Makers of replicas and models are strongly advised to announce their intentions for additional information (photos, recording sketch) to ensure an accurate and authentic result of their efforts.

Authors may order smaller drawings of DIN-A4 at substantially reduced cost for a single specific Publication, subject to individual agreement.

Prices, Postage & Packaging

Prices per drawing (2 x DIN-A3) are in Swiss Francs including packing of 1 kg - 2 kg. Postage costs are in addition to this (see below)

Gun Drawing: CHF. 50.00; + postage 12.00 (Switzerland), 16.00 (Europe), 22.00 (Overseas)
Gun Carriage: CHF. 50.00; + postage 12.00 (Switzerland), 16.00 (Europe), 22.00 (Overseas)
Coat of Arms: CHF. 20.00; + postage 12.00 (Switzerland), 16.00 (Europe), 22.00 (Overseas)
Visser book: CHF. 70.00; + postage 12.00 (Switzerland), 25.00 (Europe), 36.00 (Overseas)

An invoice will be sent upon request. Payments in advance by direct bank transfer to account:

Rudi Roth, Bank BEKB, Bernstrasse 10, CH-3150 Schwarzenburg,
IBAN: CH 200079 00 42416483956 / Account 42 4.164.839.56, Clearing 790
(The Bank charges must be paid by yourself without deduction from the purchase price)


Phone: +41 (0)31 731 37 67; +41 (0)79 513 65 08; E-Mail:
Address: Mühlegässli 22, CH-3150 Schwarzenburg, Switzerland


The Visser Book is a catalogue of the Ordnance in the Visser Collection, published in English in 1996. (Collection and all Guns were auctioned off after the year 2006)

"This catalogue contains the first systematic study of Dutch pre-1800 ordnance ever to be published. This was made possible by the unique selection of muzzle- and breech-loading ordnance in the Visser collection.

The literature on Dutch ordnance history being extremly scarce, especially on pre-1800 ordnance, the book relies upon the information presented by the guns themselves, which have been meticulously measured and recorded by the expert in the field: Mr. Rudi Roth. 16th, 17th and 18th Century Dutch ordnance presents an amazing variety of patterns, produced in a great number of local foundries. The development of each of these patterns is analysed and explained in its local historical context and positioned in the unique organisation of government, navy and trade in the Dutch Republic."